Cancel incomplete orders.
Cancel the incomplete purchase order.
Cancel the incomplete sales order.
Get the completed Orders.
Get the incomplete Orders.
Get your accounts information.
Get the currency information you own.
Get your latest transaction history information.
Get your currency wallet information.
Get the completed purchase Orders.
Get the incomplete purchase Orders.
Get the completed sales Orders.
Get the incomplete sales Orders.
Generates authentication header information using API key, API secret key and request information.
Order at the specified price.
Place a purchase order at the specified price.
Place a purchase order at a market price.
Place a sales order at the specified price.
Place a sales order at a market price.
Send currency to wallet.
Sets the Bithumb API Key and API Secret key.
Withdraw the won into the registered account.
Generated using TypeDoc
This Class is for easy use of the Bithumb API. You can use method to request Bithumb API and receive response results.